Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the most pressing problems in inclusive higher education, the most significant among which is the employment of university graduates with disabilities. The purpose of the study is to study the problem of employment of university graduates with disabilities from the positions of all stakeholders: the employer, the graduate himself and the educational organization of higher education. The following research methods are used: secondary analysis of data from Russian and foreign studies, as well as methods of collecting primary information: a survey of representatives of employers, as well as students and graduates with disabilities (in the form of a questionnaire). As a result of the study, the real readiness of Russian employers to expand opportunities for interaction on vocational training and employment was revealed, but with a high degree of concern about the existing formal difficulties of employment. Among the main barriers to employment of university graduates with disabilities, the low legal literacy of employers and the prevailing stereotypes about the lack of real knowledge and skills among graduates with disabilities are noted.

employment, university, student, graduate, person with disabilities, person with disabilities, satisfaction with the quality of education
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