from 01.01.2000 to 01.01.2021
Krasnodar, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
At this moment, the whole world is experiencing rapid development of information and communication technologies, and our country is not an inclusion. Digitalization actively penetrates into various spheres of society and has a great impact on the work of various companies, organizations and institutions. The article examines the impact of digital technologies on brand management in the system of intellectual assets of the enterprise. Definitions of such concepts as «brand», «branding», «intellectual asset», «digital transformation», «brand management» are given, the strategic stages of brand management are covered in detail. The advantages of information and communication technologies for the development of brand management of the organization are noted and the importance of their application in the activities of the enterprise is emphasized. The article analyzes the changes from the point of view of the document-archival aspect that will occur in the organization with the digital transformation of brand management in the system of intellectual assets of the enterprise.
brand, branding, digital transformation, intellectual asset, company, brand management, documents
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