Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 331.1 Теория и организация труда. Взаимоотношения между предприятием и персоналом, между работодателями и работающими, между трудом и капиталом
The article deals with the issues concerning one of the urgent tasks for a modern employer, who seeks to comply with management trends — management of employee engagement. As one of the effective tools used to increase the level of employee engagement, it is proposed to form a team of employees who transmit the values of the organization and who have gained the trust of their colleagues, i.e. the ambassadors. The article pays special attention to the description of the Ambassador activities, their communications at different levels of the organizational structure, the role of such employees’ influence on the involvement of the team, the development of the employer’s brand and the increase of corporate culture’s influence. The article also proposes ways of selecting candidates for the role of Ambassador and the requirements for them. Especially interesting is the novelty of this solution among Russian organizations.
employee engagement, engagement ambassadors, corporate values, engagement management
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