Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article reveals the problems of organizing the educational process based on the application of one of the most important principles of didactics — visualization (visual presentation of the material). The potential of practical application of this principle in the education system is most clearly reflected in the quality of training and skills development of students. The paper classifies and analyzes various types of visualization used in the educational process. The authors noted the main psychological and pedagogical features and formulated practical recommendations on the use of visual aids and teaching methods on the example of such important integrative subjects as social studies and economics. This research is of scientific and practical value for the training of future teachers in pedagogical universities of Russia, as well as for beginning teachers of higher and additional education, specializing in teaching subjects from the cycle of socio-economic disciplines.
didactics, pedagogy, visibility, visual means of teaching, visual methods of teaching, methods of teaching and upbringing, educational organization
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