Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
This article discusses the main modern trends in personnel management, currently relevant, and aimed at implementing management tasks to maintain the performance of the main structural divisions of the organization, as well as to provide additional protection for personnel, since employees become especially vulnerable during difficult periods of the company’s activities. It is noted that the organization and popularization of teamwork in the company, the improvement and development of personnel skills, the analysis of the skills and abilities of the company’s employees, which makes it possible to evaluate various performance indicators of the personnel management service with a view to their further improvement, come to the fore. It was revealed that properly organized teamwork allows employees to perform their functions efficiently, interact with each other remotely, and distribute powers in accordance with the experience and professional knowledge of employees.
teamwork and cross-teaming, analysis of the skills and abilities of the organization’s employees, HR analysis of the main performance indicators of the HR service, joint and intersecting projects, ecosystems of the Russian labor market
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