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Abstract (English):
The challenges of recent years — technological progress, the COVID-19 pandemic, SVO and others — have adjusted the values and behavior of people, social relations, business models of companies. The limited number of specialists in the labor market gives them priority in choosing an employer. More than ever, HR managers are expected to provide innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of HR management. The formation and development of the employer brand is the foundation for improving the indicators of attracting, retaining and engaging employees. The transfer of digital values from everyday life to production has determined the need to provide candidates and employees with a quick and convenient service for interacting with the employer company. The inability to conduct their own development of digital solutions across the entire spectrum of HR business processes directs managers to search for relevant intersubject interactions. Cooperation allows us to unite in an ecosystem and solve our own tasks to ensure the sustainable development of the company: for the employer to increase the efficiency of personnel management by working with the employer brand, for developers to test and update digital solutions in the field of personnel management. The purpose of the study is to review the digital solutions of potential actors of the employer brand ecosystem to improve the efficiency of personnel management. The results of the study are presented by the author’s definition of the employer brand ecosystem; the characteristics of the key elements visualized by the employer brand ecosystem model; an overview of the digital solutions of potential actors, developers and suppliers, throughout the process of employer brand management. Throughout all stages of the AIDA model in employer brand management: “I know the company, I observe its activities, I want to work in it, I apply for a vacancy and accept an offer”, it is possible to find an appropriate and effective digital solution by collaborating with actors.

employer brand, employer brand ecosystem, employer brand management, developer and supplier actors, digital solutions
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