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Abstract (English):
The article examines the current trends in the educational services rank in the field of higher education. The main transition directions to the third-generation university model are described. The necessity of active use of marketing for the adaptation of higher education institutions to the external conditions of the educational services market is substantiated. The tools of attracting the target audience — “potential applicants” — are analyzed. The role and place of the graduating department in the reputation management of the university is determined. A program has been developed to study the peculiarities of communication between the graduating department and potential applicants. During the research, the target audience characteristic features were identified; the future students perception of the proposed educational product was analyzed; priority communication channels were identified; the in-demand content and technologies for its promotion were analyzed. The study results can be used in the cathedral projects and programs development to attract motivated potential applicants. The successful implementation of these programs will contribute to the positive image formation of the graduating department and the capital of relations.

educational services market, higher education, third-generation universities, university reputation management, communications of the graduating department, target audience, potential applicants
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