Russian Federation
The article presents a program for analyzing the website of a personnel consulting agency. Consulting services in various fields are in demand on the market, especially in the HR field, the organization and work of which largely determines the success of the business as a whole. When an organization needs to invite a consultant, the question of finding a qualified specialist always arises. In addition to directly interviewing colleagues in the profession, there is a need to use some objective search options. In modern realities, the company’s website is the “facade” of any organization, reflecting all its achievements and shortcomings, “pros” and “cons” in its work, indirectly indicating attention to clients and awareness of their interests, which is useful to keep in mind even before you contact one or another agency for a specific service. We offer one of these tools, the measuring parameters of which may vary (the number and set of evaluation criteria themselves, as well as the measuring scale), but the principle of use itself remains constant. With the help of the program we offer, company managers and owners can independently search for and independently evaluate personnel consulting agencies based on an analysis of their website.
personnel consulting, consulting services, site analysis program, HR management
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