Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the communicative aspect of preparing future teachers for the use of distance educational technologies. In the context of the digital transformation of education, the role of information and communication competencies of a young specialist for organizing the educational process is increasing. The use of new technologies in the educational process often leads to problems in the educational and pedagogical interaction of its participants and requires an orientation towards the communicative aspect of professional pedagogical training in the context of the use of digital technologies. The purpose of the study was to investigate the role of the communicative aspect of preparing future teachers for the use of distance educational technologies. The research is based on theoretical (analysis, systematization, generalization of the statements of the scientific literature on the research topic) and empirical methods (analysis of the results of students' activities, pedagogical supervision). The necessity of developing competencies among future teachers in the field of using communication tools of the digital educational space in the educational process is shown. The types of educational and pedagogical interactions in digital learning are determined and digital educational space tools for their implementation are proposed. Prospects for further research may be related to the development of methodological recommendations for the use of digital educational space (DES) elements to implement the communicative aspect, as well as expanding the participants in the educational process by adding a new subject “Parents of the student.”

distance educational technologies, future teachers, communicative aspect, educational and pedagogical interaction, digital educational environment
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