from 01.01.2017 until now
Russian Federation
UDK 65 Управление предприятиями. Организация производства, торговли и транспорта
This article touches upon the problem of the effectiveness of the educational process, as well as the format of entrance examinations in vocational education, where gamification is a new tool for admission to educational institutions. The author shows in this work that this gaming technology can be successfully applied not only in the field of medicine, business, politics, but also in the field of education. The introduction of gamification contributes to the fact that students assume the role of active players in the educational process. The game system is able to develop students' logical thinking, it can teach them how to plan their own activities and improve the quality of the results they achieve. It is important to remember that gamification cannot completely replace traditional methods of education and admission to higher education. An example of the use of gaming technology in the educational institution "Alabuga Polytechnic" is given, and a sociological survey was conducted among applicants about the knowledge of this technology and the need for its introduction into the educational process. The purpose of the study: to study an example of the use of gamification technology in education in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge of students and attract more applicants to educational institutions.
gamification, education, applicants, motivation, staff training, business simulator, higher education institutions.
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