Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the concept of an internal communications system, defines the role and tasks of internal communications in the development of the company, describes the signs of internal communications when using them in an organization as a service function and as a strategic business function. The objectives of the implementation of the internal communications system at enterprises are listed, as well as the rules for achieving the set goals. The arguments demonstrating the advantages of building an internal communications system in the format of a strategic business function are presented; the influence of this metaphunction on increasing the competitiveness of the company, as well as on the most important business indicators in the field of human resource management, is revealed. The practices of Russian companies with successful experience in implementing/improving the internal communications system in order to solve specific organizational goals are studied. In the examples of companies, the internal communications system is considered as a strategic business function.

internal communications, strategic business function, business strategy, structure, means of communication, top manager
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