Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
We present an inversion scheme of the backscatter signal leading edge into parameters of the quasi-parabolic electron density profile, which is based on the comparison of experimental and calculated minimum delays of scattered signals with corresponding distance to the skip zone border. Input parameters are frequency dependences of minimum group path of signal propagation, derived from processing and interpreting backscatter ionograms. For a fixed sounding frequency, the ionospheric parameter pair — the critical frequency and height of the F2-layer maximum — is defined as the intersection point of two curves representing solutions of minimization problems for discrepancy functionals of the minimum group path and the range to the skip zone border. Determining the ionospheric parameters by this inversion scheme on the sounding frequency grid allows us to construct a two-dimensional distribution of electron density in the direction of backscatter sounding.

Ключевые слова:
ionosphere, ionogram, radio wave propagation, backscatter ionospheric sounding
Список литературы

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