Кемерово, Россия
One of the main tasks of marketing research is to identify the capacity of food market. Market capacity, concerning its quantitative characteristics, demonstrates the capabilities of food market volume of sales. It is a common practice to distinguish between two levels of market capacity: potential and actual. The actual capacity of a market is the first level. Potential level is determined by personal and social needs, and it reflects an adequate volume of sales of goods. The capacity, which is really establishing in a market may not correspond to its potential capacity. Market capacity may be calculated in cash and in kind. Knowing the capacity of a market and its trend changes, it is possible to assess the prospects for the development of the food market. Different methods are used for the market capacity calculation, each of which is most suitable in the given context, this paper presents a comparative analysis of the choice of a calculation method of the food market, food market potential capacity of Kemerovo region is justified. The capacity of its food market in the period from 2001 to 2013 is calculated. The calculations take into account the demographic situation in the region and rational consumption norms of foods, recommended by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, what meets the modern requirements of a healthy diet. Conclusions on the data are formulated.
Marketing research, real and potential market capacity, rational consumption norms (rates)
Marketing is a hierarchically organized system of management activities in a market, regulation of mar-ket processes and market research. One of the basic requirements of marketing is to ensure the "transparen-cy" of a market and the "predictability" of its develop-ment. Without the collection of reliable information and its subsequent analysis marketing cannot fully perform its mission. To do this, you must conduct marketing research. All marketing research is carried out in two sections: evaluation of various marketing options for the given time and getting their predicted values. Collection of information, its interpretation, evaluation and forecast calculations are assumed to call a marketing research.
When conducting marketing research, you should pay attention to the principles which you should follow - regularity, consistency, comprehensiveness, cohe-rence and commitment, the multiplicity of information sources, versatility, and scientific character.
(1) Systematic character - studies should be carried out systematically, rather than a disposable in nature.
(2) System character - should cover the entire mar-ket and all the structural hierarchy of market processes: facts, their dynamics and interactions.
(3) Complexity – on the one hand, includes a set of actions or processes (collection, processing, analysis), on the other hand - an integrated approach to the study of objects (their relationships with other processes and objects).
(4) Coherence and commitment - the direction, magnitude, depth; the details of research should be organically linked to the goals and objectives of this market, entity reflect its real needs in specific analytical information.
(5) Plurality of sources of information – receipt of market information not from one but from several sources is advisable, allowing you to have a comprehensive "overlapping" each other's data and thereby to clarify and verify information, casting away questionable data.
(6) Versatility - research can be conducted on the basis of all the needs of obtaining any market information to make rational decisions.
(7) Scientific character - accuracy, objectivity, conditionality.
Non-objective, groundless investigations lead to wrong, distorted recommendations. Each of these prin-ciples is important in itself, but taken together they make such interaction possible and prepare such market research, which can become a reliable basis for making well-informed, thoughtful management decisions.
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