Новосибирск, Россия
Новосибирск, Россия
Новосибирск, Россия
Neutron monitor data is currently corrected only for the barometric effect. We cannot, however, exclude that changes in air humidity affect the intensity of the cosmic-ray neutron component recorded by neutron monitors. In this regard, we have carried out continuous measurements of air humidity and temperature when observing variations in the cosmic ray intensity with a neutron monitor in Novosibirsk. Analysis of the results of observations of meteorological parameters and cosmic ray intensity in Novosibirsk, as well as data from the global network of neutron monitors, made it possible to identify neutron component intensity variations caused by changes in air humidity. The estimated humidity effect indicates the need to regularly take it into account in the neutron monitor data. To do this, along with atmospheric pressure, regular measurements of humidity and air temperature should be performed.
cosmic rays, atmosphere, neutrons, monitor, air humidity
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