Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
A threshold condition has been established for excitation of VLF electromagnetic radiation with a chorus structure of the dynamic spectrum in the daytime magnetosphere using the BPA (Beam Pulse Amplifier) mechanism for amplifying short noise electromagnetic pulses. The kappa distribution was used as a model function of the electron velocity distribution in the magnetosphere. Calculations performed for this distribution have shown that the threshold for excitation of chorus largely depends on the electron plasma parameter equal to the ratio of gas-kinetic pressure of electrons to magnetic pressure. This pattern is not contradicted by the dependence of the probability of excitation of chorus on the degree of magnetic field irregularity, which we derived from observations made by the Van Allen Probe spacecraft. It is sharp fluctuations in the magnetic field strength near its local minima outside the plasmasphere where the radiation under study can be excited. If there is an irregularity, the probability of detecting chorus is >70 %; and if there is no or very low irregularity, the probability of the absence of any emissions is ~80 %. The results indicate a common reason for the excitation of chorus and the magnetic field irregularity — a small but finite value of the plasma parameter.

Ключевые слова:
VLF emissions, chorus, wave-particle interaction, data analysis, middle magnetosphere
Список литературы

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