Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Phenomena in the outer layer of the solar atmosphere, the heliosphere, including the supersonic solar wind, the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) carried by it, and cosmic rays propagating in the heliosphere are important for many processes occurring in this layer. For some of these processes such as geomagnetic activity or propagation of cosmic rays, not only the strength, but also the direction of the field is significant. Nonetheless, if in this regard the situation during periods of low sunspot activity is quite clear — the heliosphere is divided into two hemispheres with opposite polarity (toward the Sun/away from the Sun), — during periods of high sunspot activity when the HMF inversion occurs, there is no simple model of this phenomenon. The paper is a sequel to the study of the HMF inversion phenomenon and associated effects in the intensity of galactic cosmic rays (GCR). Previously, general ideas about the 22-year cyclicity in the characteristics of the Sun, heliosphere, and cosmic rays have been formulated, and the effects observed in the GCR intensity, which we associate with the HMF inversion, have been discussed in detail. This paper deals with a model of HMF inversion, associated only with the evolution of the magnetic field in the layer between the photosphere and the base of the heliosphere due to changes in the distribution of photospheric fields from one solar rotation to the next one, and shows that this is not enough to explain the main effects in the GCR intensity. In this layer, the magnetic field is the main energy factor. A more complete model of HMF inversion, including the transformation of its characteristics due to the interaction of different-speed solar wind streams in the heliosphere itself, where the solar wind is the main energy factor, will be discussed in the next paper.

Ключевые слова:
heliosphere, heliospheric magnetic fields (HMF), inversion of HMF, galactic cosmic rays (GCR), GCR modulation, long-term GCR variations, GCR during HMF inversion
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Список литературы

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