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Аннотация (русский):
We present the results of experimental studies into the response of Earth’s lower ionosphere to a partial solar eclipse. The studies have been carried out using the method of resonant scattering of radio waves by artificial periodic irregularities (APIs) in ionospheric plasma. The irregularities were created in the field of a standing wave when a powerful radio wave, generated by radiation to the zenith by transmitters of the mid-latitude SURA heating facility, was reflected from the ionosphere. During the eclipse, the scattered signal amplitude increased by 30–40 dB, and the relaxation time increased 1.5–2.0 times. In some cases, stratification of the signal amplitude in the D-region was observed due to stratification of the electron density profile. By analyzing altitude profiles of relaxation time, we obtained neutral component temperature and density, height of the turbopause, and turbulent velocity. The velocity of vertical regular motion of plasma at each height was measured from the time variation in the scattered signal phase. From the results of measurements of scattered signal characteristics during four partial eclipses, we have obtained that the neutral component temperature decreases, on average, 50–70 K. Variations in the temperature, vertical plasma velocity, and turbopause level exhibited deep quasi-periodic variations with periods from 15 min to several hours, typical of internal gravity wave propagation. The vertical temperature and velocity profiles showed changes with altitude on scales ranging from 5 to 30 km. Comparison between the results of studies of the lower ionosphere during sunrise-sunset hours has revealed that its response during a partial eclipse and the transition to the night regime is identical. According to the measurements by the partial reflection method, during the August 01, 2008 eclipse there was a decrease in the electron density in the D-region 3–5 times. We have concluded that during an eclipse there was a significant change in both the ionized and neutral components of the atmosphere in the lower ionosphere.

Ключевые слова:
ionosphere, plasma, neutral atmosphere, solar eclipse, sunrise, sunset, high-frequency heating, artificial periodic irregularities, temperature, vertical velocity, turbulence, internal gravity waves, SURA facility
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Список литературы

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