Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
We present the results of a statistical study of transient enhancements of electrons with energies >30 keV at low drift shells in the quasi-trapped region (forbidden zone) at the geomagnetic equator. Using data from low-altitude NOAA/POES and MetOp satellites, we have compiled a catalog of events with forbidden energetic electron (FEE) enhancements for the period from 1998 to 2023. Statistical analysis of FEE events has revealed solar-cyclic, as well as seasonal and diurnal variations in the occurrence of FEE enhancements. We have examined the correlation of the annual frequency of FEE events with solar activity, solar wind parameters, and geomagnetic activity. Strong correlations have been found with the F10.7 index of solar activity (radio emission flux) as well as with the Alfvén Mach number (solar wind parameter). An interpretation of the obtained results is proposed which is based on the mechanism of electrical drift and radial transport of electrons from Earth’s inner radiation belt to the quasi-trapped region (L<1.2). The key factor for the operation of the mechanism is the effective penetration of the electric field to low latitudes when a significant difference in the conductivity of the high-latitude ionosphere occurs in the illuminated and unilluminated sectors of local time under conditions of weakening auroral activity.

Ключевые слова:
inner radiation belt, quasi-trapped electrons, solar-terrestrial relationships
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Список литературы

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